New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

The beginning of the year is an excellent opportunity to take inventory of what we’re doing, and to make the changes that we’d like no matter what stage of life that we are in. After all, there’s no rule saying we can only improve our lives on the first day of January. If making a new resolution will improve your life, isn’t every day the right day?

We have five simple resolutions you can begin with today!

  1. Spend more time with the grandchildren.

There is nothing quite as special as spending time with one’s grandchildren. Spending time with grandchildren shouldn’t just be for special occasions. The bond between grandparent and grandchildren can be strengthened by staying connected on a regular basis. If your grandchildren lives far away, consider calling them on the phone or using technology to stay in touch.

2. Prevent falls in your home.

The leading cause of injury in older adults is falling. Decide to talk to your doctor about the risk of falling. Removing items like rugs and clutter from the home and adding night lights to help you see better in the dark is a great place to start. You can also install grab bars in the shower and install equipment that may help with mobility. Even if you consider yourself a steady and active senior, medications or an underlying medical condition can increase your risk of falling. Take the necessary precautions as soon as possible. For further information on preventing falls, read

3. Challenge your brain.

The more that you use your brain, the better it works. There are plenty of things you can do to engage your mind like playing Solitaire or Sodoku, crossword or jigsaw puzzles, or reading. Socialization is also a great way to give your brain a boost, explore social opportunities in your area such as senior center discussions or clubs.

4. Get proper sleep.

It’s important to get enough sleep to feel your best. Make time for at least seven hours of sleep each night. Avoid caffeine, heavy meals, and alcohol late in the day. These can make it difficult to fall asleep and wake you during the night with acid reflux or trips to the bathroom. You should contact your medical provider if you have ongoing issues with getting adequate sleep.

5. Embrace technology.

Technology can be intimidating, or it can be a gateway to a higher quality of life. This year, resolve to try one new technology. Video chatting with family and friends can be more satisfying than a phone call, text or email. Another great way to stay connected is through social media. There are even online support communities for people with certain medical conditions, or who are caring for spouses with chronic physical or cognitive conditions.

The information above is not intended to diagnose a health problem or take the place of medical advice or care that you may receive from your healthcare provider or physician. Please consult with your healthcare provider concerning medications, health problems, and symptoms.

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